How To Make Organic Chaga Cream? And A Bonus Tip!

The organic Chaga skin cream got a lot of attention from the health and beauty community lately, for good reasons. This Chaga mushroom skin cream is a healthy and organic moisturizer that earned its place at the top of the list of beauty products recommended by several health bloggers.

If you’ve read any article on this website, you know that Chaga has a long list of health benefits, ranging from skincare to cancer prevention and maybe even cure-ish. I don’t want to make any claims (about a potential cancer cure), but you should look at the scientific studies conducted on this medicinal mushroom.

If drinking, or even eating Chaga makes sense, what’s stopping us from spreading it on our skin?

How To Make A Chaga Skin Cream?

You only need 4 commonly found ingredients. And Chaga, of course


Step by step:

*** You’ll need a double boiler or a melting pot if you don’t want to spend the whole time swearing.***

  1. Add the cacao butter, the shea butter, and the coconut oil to the melting pot until everything mixes together nicely.
  2. Add the Chaga and essential oil
  3. Put in a mason jar or another container
  4. Store in the refrigerator for 4 hours
  5. You can keep it at room temperature after its time in the refrigerator
  6. Enjoy for the next several years

The Bonus Tip

Having good skin isn’t just what you put on it, it’s also what you eat/ drink. Most skin problems are nutrition problems. Your skin is an image of what’s going on inside.

If you want to treat the problem before it happens, the best way is to decrease inflammation.

There is a tasty mushroom that can decrease inflammation like nothing else. That’s right, the same one that you made your cream out of.

Chaga is one of (if not THE) best antioxidants available to us.

That’s right, you can use the same mushroom to treat your skin problems AND ALSO prevent them, how cool is that?

The best way to get the antioxidant effects of Chaga is to drink a decoction, which I personally mix with coffee to have the ultimate natural energy drink.

If you want to know how to make a decoction, you can learn how in this article about making a decoction in a Crock-Pot.

The Bottom Line

Making a Chaga skin cream is both quick and cheap, you don’t need fancy equipment or complicated steps to have a nice end product. The best part is that it can last for several years.

P.S: This article, like most articles on this website, is short for a reason. We write short and to-the-point articles because we know that you don’t have an eternity to spend reading about how to make a Chaga cream.

Unfortunately, because we don’t write boring stories at the beginning of every article to artificially increase the word count, we don’t have the love from the Google algorithm that we deserve. So if you enjoyed this short article, please consider sharing it with your friends who you think would like this kind of content.

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