Is This Mushroom Really Going To Cure Cancer?

Can chaga really cure cancer?

If someone you care about has cancer right now you feel helpless. You are in a constant state of uncertainty about their remission. Your efforts of making this person healthier feel like throwing punches at a waterfall. Nothing seems to work.

We feel like this terrible disease is going to decimate us one by one, and unfortunately, we’re not that far from the truth. Cancer has killed people you love and will continue to do so until we find a solution.

Luckily for you, there is a cure for cancer and nobody is talking about it.

Confirmed by research

A breakthrough happened several years ago when scientists turned their attention to an ugly-looking mushroom.

They were interested in the legends all across the globe describing a mushroom that grows on birch trees that can heal the sick and make you live longer. Such bold claims had to be investigated.

Scientists are naturally curious, but not (usually) dumb enough to think that a mushroom can cure every illness. They decided to look into it anyway and found what they were secretly wishing for.

Maybe our fate isn’t as doomed as we previously thought, maybe there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

It’s possible that mother nature had the remedy hidden inside its forest all along and we are just now discovering what it has to offer.

Why Isn’t Everyone Talking About This Cure For Cancer?

There is no doubt that in a couple of years you will hear about the mushroom that cures cancer because someone or some company will make it viral.

That’s why, if I were you, I would act on the privileged information that you are getting right now and get the cure while it’s still cheap. Once the big companies will recognize the power of the mushroom, the price will at least quadruple.

The name of the mushroom is Chaga and if you thought that curing cancer is the only benefit that this mushroom can bring you, I’m sorry to inform you that you were mistaking.

Here are 9 of these health benefits.

Now that you are convinced of the benefits of this mushroom, you are asking where can I find this cure?

I personally harvest it directly from birch trees but most people buy it on Amazon.

You can choose between these two five-star reviewed options

There are two main reasons why you probably haven’t even heard of the cancer-killing abilities of the chaga mushroom yet. Let’s look into each one of them.

1. People Want The Immediate Solution

The cure for cancer isn’t concealed in the basement of the Pentagon. It isn’t even kept secret from the public. It’s right there in front of us and we’re choosing to look elsewhere.

We want the sexy cure, so when we are presented with an unsexy alternative, nobody listens.

If you are reading this, you are one of the few that can take advantage of the POWERFUL but UNSEXY way to cure cancer

The problem is that chaga takes time

Saying that chaga is a cure for cancer is like saying a healthy diet is a cure for obesity. It’s not an overnight remedy, it takes time.

A healthy diet can prevent obesity and it can even cure obesity, but it won’t do anything with just one meal.

In other words, chaga is not a pill that you take once and forget about it for the rest of your life. You need to do it consistently to see the benefits.

Unfortunately, our lazy monkey brain is interested in the shiny, cheap and quick solution to our problems. That partly why we are still on the lookout for the ultimate cure for cancer. The one that can kill cancer in one day.

2. Healthy People Aren’t a Good Market

The best time to start drinking chaga is when you are healthy. The benefits are equally important in the prevention department as in the curation department.

That means that it should be consumed by healthy individuals. Unfortunately, healthy individuals aren’t a good market for a pharmaceutical company.

I hate to be THAT guy. I’m not a conspiracy theorist, I don’t think that the big pharmaceutical companies are controlled by the Illuminati, the Aliens or the Devil.

The reason why I say that healthy people aren’t bringing any money to the pharmaceutical companies is that I went to business school and worked in finance for more than a decade. I know that selling prevention isn’t the best way to sell a pharmaceutical product.

Selling the cure is where the money is at. It makes sense because desperate people are willing to pay any price to be healthy again. On the other hand, a healthy individual won’t pay as much money just to stay healthy.

We give money to pharmaceuticals companies when our back is against the wall and they are the only one with a way to get us out of our misery.

I hate being cynical, I’m just stating facts.

Are pharmaceutical companies morally bankrupt and preying on vulnerable people? maybe, it’s not for me to say.

What we can agree is unless scientists create a magic chaga pill that kills cancer in a day, we won’t hear much about the mushroom’s benefits on cancer patients.

Does It Really Work?


I will list four studies that confirm a positive impact on cancer cell after being in contact with chaga:

If you don’t want to read the studies, just read the next line.

Cancer cells are either slowing their growth or reducing in size when exposed to the chaga mushroom.

Most of the studies have been made in a laboratory on cancer cells directly and not on humans but the effects are significant enough that clinical trials should be effective.

There Is No Such Thing As A Cure For Cancer, But…

There is such a thing as a cure for certain types of cancer.

If you have cancer in your index finger, a cure could be to cut your finger. You are now cancer-free. congratulations!

I took less than a day and the whole process could have been performed by a caveman with a sharp rock (although I strongly suggest going to the hospital for this type of surgery).

It’s not as dramatic as a genius finding a way to cure cancer in his/her lab and running to the white house to present it to the president, or anything else you would see in a movie. But it works and that’s the important part.

What I’m trying to say here is that cancer is a generic word for different types of diseases.

Skin cancer won’t be treated the exact same way as lung cancer.

Chaga has been showing good results on certain types of cancer, but it hasn’t been tested on every type. Maybe there will be one or two that won’t respond to the chaga treatment.

So can chaga cure cancer? It can definitely contribute to the remission of most cancer. Everything other than that is anecdotal evidence and speculation for now.

What Should We Do To Take Advantage Of The Powerful Mushroom?

If you want to know more about the mushroom itself and how to consume it, you can read the ultimate guide to Chaga that I made.

If you don’t want to click on that link, I got you. Here are the 3 main ways to consume chaga.

  1. Chaga tea.
  2. Chaga decoction
  3. Chaga Tincture

Unless you have type 1 diabetes or are allergic to birch trees, you can consume as much chaga as you want. My personal routine is decoction in my coffee in the morning and a tea in the evening before bed.

You should also drink a little bit of the tincture every day. The tradition is one drop for every year you were on this earth. This means that if you are 35 years old, you should drink 35 drops of chaga tincture every day.

The reason why the tincture is important for your health is because the betulinic acid, the strongest cancer-fighting molecule, is water-insoluble. This means that it can’t be extracted with water, hence the tincture.

In Conclusion

The popularity of the chaga mushroom as a cure for many illnesses, including cancer, is on the rise. We are discovering every year ways in which this healing mushroom can benefit us all.

We are on the verge of using chaga as medicine and now is the time to take advantage of it for a cheap price.

If you made it to this point, it means that you are serious about taking your health and life under control.

In case you are not sure where you can find this powerful mushroom, you can click the link below to get some on Amazon. Your future self will thank you.

Don’t wait until it’s too late and you need the scientist to find a real cure.

Questions and Answers

Will I get the benefits of the chaga if I don’t drink the tincture?

Yes. You can have most of the health benefits by drinking chaga tea or decoction. The tincture is a nice addition if you are really serious about preventing cancer, but it’s not necessary.

How long before we see the benefits of the chaga

It depends on what you are referring to. You can feel the benefits of the chaga in a couple of days if you are talking about inflammation or blood sugar level.

If you are talking about cancer, I don’t have a clue. Very few tests have been made on humans regarding cancer, we are at the laboratory phase.