Natural Energy Drink! [Chaga And Coffee]

Chaga and coffee are two of the most energy-giving, taste-satisfying, and health-promoting drinks there are but are they compatible?

Can we mix chaga and coffee and create nature’s ultimate energy drink?

Hell yeah we can, but you have to follow a short “recipe” to get the best of both drinks.

If done correctly, this natural energy drink will light you up like a Christmas tree and it won’t have the crash that caffeine alone can have. You’ll have long-term, sustained energy and focus.

After spiking her coffee with chaga my wife has more energy than the 5-year-olds she teaches. Ok maybe not, but it’s close.

Let’s start!

How To Create The Ultimate Natural Energy Drink?

coffee and chaga

I won’t spend too much of your time on the coffee part, because there are hundreds, if not thousands, of ways to do coffee. Going into the specifics of every technique would not be a good use of our time. It also won’t change anything in the drink we are interested in. The only criteria is that it has to taste like coffee, you can even use decaf (but you obviously won’t have the effects of the caffeine).

The most important part is the preparation of chaga. The recipe is simple but it has to be followed to have all of the benefits of the drink.

You’ll need to prepare a chaga decoction. A decoction is different from a tea, which is how it’s usually consumed. The chaga decoction is a concentrated version of the chaga tea. It still has only two ingredients: chaga and water, but it has to simmer for multiple hours to extract as much of the mushrooms as possible.

Drinking a chaga decoction alone isn’t the best taste. I usually drink mine with maple sirup to upgrade the taste, but when consumed with coffee, the two flavors blend together and the end result is simply addictive.

The Steps To Create This Natural Energy Drink

Coffee and chaga
  1. You need coffee and chaga. You didn’t see that one coming did ya?
  2. Pour your coffee into a cup until the cup is 3/4 full
  3. Fill the rest of the cup with the decoction
  4. Play with the dosage (you can try 50/50 or even 1/4 coffee and 3/4 chaga) until you find the taste and energy boost that you like. It’s different for every person. I personally like around 2/3 or 3/4 coffee, but it can be different for you.
  5. Drink your natural energy drink and enjoy the sustained and powerful dose of energy that it provides.

Tell Me How You Do It

I’m still perfecting this natural energy drink recipe. If you add or change some things along the way and you want to share, please send me an email at Thanks for your contribution.